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Dry Eye Study

This study aims to test the safety and efficacy of a potential new eye drop solution in people who are suffering from dry eyes. Dry eyes can cause discomfort and vision problems due, in part, to damage to the collagen in the eye. This potential new treatment is designed to repair the damaged collagen and provide better relief from dry eye symptoms.

  • At least 18 years of age. 
  • Have had dry eyes for at least 6 months. 
  • Have used or wanted to use eye drops for at least 6 months. 
  • Are able to attend clinic visits as required
  • Adelaide - SA

  • Approximately 7 weeks (for each participant)

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ST-100-002 Dry Eye Icon

If you take part in the research study, there will be:


Be remunerated to volunteer your time.

Free study-related eye care

Be among the first to access potential new research treatments before they are widely available.

Expert eye monitoring

Receive top-tier eye care and monitoring from experienced healthcare professionals.

Contribution to medical research

Your participation could help advance research and treatment options for people with dry eyes.

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About this study


Who can take part in this study?


To take part in this study, you will need to meet all the following (other criteria apply):

  • At least 18 years of age. 
  • Have had dry eyes for at least 6 months. 
  • Have a history of use or desire to use eye drops for your dry eyes for at least 6 months.
  • Able to attend clinic visits at the closest site as required


Who is unable to take part in this study?


Unfortunately, if any of the following apply to you, this study is not the right fit for you:

  • Have had any recent surgeries related to the eyes (these can be discussed during phone screening with our Patient Experience team). 
  • Anticipate using any contact lenses during the study.
  • Are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant during the study. 
  • Unable to make the visits to the clinic as required

Please note, additional eligibility criteria applies.


What is the purpose of this study?


This study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a potential new eye drop treatment in people with dry eyes compared to a version of the study medication that has no active ingredient (we call this the “vehicle”). The potential new treatment has been designed to repair eye tissue damage caused by dry eyes, thus treating the associated symptoms faster and more effectively.


How many clinic visits will there be?


If you are eligible for the study, your participation is expected to include 8 visits over the course of approximately 7 weeks.

Please note, participation in this research is voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time, for any reason. Leaving the study will have no impact on your regular medical care.


What are Dry Eyes?


Dry Eye is a common condition that results from inadequate tear production or poor tear quality, causing eye discomfort and inflammation. Ageing, hormonal changes, and prolonged screen use are common contributors, leading to symptoms such as eye redness, blurry vision, and a burning sensation in the eyes.  Australia has seen a rise in dry eye cases1 since the onset of COVID-19, which is believed to be linked to increased screen time and resulting eye strain.

1McGowan, J. 2022. Dry Eye Disease cases soar in Australia following COVID-19. Dry eye disease cases soar in Australia following COVID-19 - Good Vision For Life


Why is this study important?


This study is important because dry eyes have become more common1  in Australia since the onset of COVID-19, which has been linked to increased screen time and subsequent eye strain. Dry Eyes can negatively impact a person’s sleep quality, professional performance, and overall well-being. The findings from this study could pave the way for improved relief from the symptoms of dry eyes.


Who is sponsoring this study?


Stuart Therapeutics (Stuart) is the sponsor of this study. Founded in 2018, Stuart is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing innovative treatments for a variety of chronic eye diseases, including Dry Eye Disease, Glaucoma, and Myopia (shortsightedness). Each of Stuart’s founders has been directly or indirectly affected by these conditions, which drives their mission to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those similarly affected by chronic eye diseases. 


Where is my nearest study site?


Here is a list of the sites who are conducting this study:

South Australia:

  • St. Andrew's Hospital - Adelaide


What if I have other questions about the study?


We're here for you! Click or tap the 'Contact us' button below to send an email to our friendly Patient Experience team:

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